четверг, 5 мая 2011 г.

New Report Dispels Greatest Myths About Bipolar Disorder

New free report reveals that many individuals misunderstand bipolar disorder and have bought into "bipolar lies."

David Oliver, founder of Bipolar Central, has recently released a free report that uncovers and dispels various widely circulated myths about bipolar disorder. The report, entitled "10 Greatest Lies about Bipolar Disorder," outlines the top ten greatest lies about bipolar disorder--many of which are deadly--as well as the truth about managing bipolar disorder.

Oliver has a mailing list of more than 160,000 people, most of whom either have bipolar disorder or support someone who has it. He's read thousands of emails from these individuals, has spoken to hundreds of them on the phone, and has read hundreds of their blog comments. One thing Oliver noticed in all these emails, phone conversations, and blog comments was that the same myths about bipolar disorder kept popping up. Finally he decided to tackle these misunderstandings by creating a report that separated bipolar fact from fiction.

"It's really frightening when you see some of the things people believe," said Oliver. "Many of the bipolar myths that people buy into are literally a matter of life and death. That's why I thought it was so important to put this report together, to help people recognize what's true and what's not."

As the son of someone with bipolar disorder, Oliver has firsthand experience with the illness. He also devoted nine months of his life to studying bipolar, and he continues to stay up to date on the latest research, giving him a thorough, detailed understanding of the complexities of the disorder.

To download the free report "10 Greatest Lies about Bipolar Disorder," simply visit here.

About Bipolar Central

Bipolar Central is one of the largest and fastest-growing Web sites related to bipolar disorder. Founded in 2005 to provide practical, easy-to-understand information on bipolar disorder, the site has since grown to include resources on other mental illnesses, as well as information about issues that are often faced by people struggling with bipolar disorder. The site contains more than 2,000 pages of information and continues to receive as many as 4,000 visits per day.

Bipolar Central

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